Wavelet matrix classification for periodic fault wave of power electron equipment 电力电子装置周期性故障波形小波矩阵分类法
A new approach to extract weak periodic signal from strong noise is proposed to pick up some weak signals in the fault diagnosis of mechanical equipment. 为提取机械设备故障诊断中的某些微弱信号,给出一种新的提取强背景噪声中微弱周期信号的方法。
Fault voltage is selected to be Duffing oscillator periodic driving force and fault current is the disturbing force. 采用Duffing振子周期策动力为故障电压,摄动力为故障电流。
Periodic signal exists greatly in modern mechanical equipments and usually can include lots of fault information, so it's of great research value. 周期性信号是机械设备运行过程中一类广泛存在的信号,包含系统运行状态的丰富信息,因此有很大的研究价值。
This paper gives first the annual periodic variations in the geodetic data obtained from several observation stations for fault displacements in the Beijing region. 本文首先给出了北京地区若干跨断层位移测量结果的年周期变化。
Seismic precursory anomaly occurred in the periodic parameters from deformation seismograph at Hutubi fault zone 呼图壁断层形变仪的周期参数地震前兆异常
A new method for detecting the initial phase of the fundamental frequency component of a periodic signal mixed with stationary random noise by using the Morlet wavelet transform and ensemble average is presented, which provides a more effective means for the fault location in rotary machinery. 给出了采用Morlet小波变换并结合集合平均检测叠加有平稳随机噪声周期信号基频初相位的方法,为旋转机械故障定位提供新手段。
Skid bank fatigue life test of automobile transmission assembly has a long periodic time. There are many kinds of fault happening during test and the occurence of fault is highly random. 汽车变速箱总成台架疲劳寿命试验周期长,试验过程中故障种类多,而且故障的发生具有很大的随机性,这些给试验人员带来极大困难。
The periodic activity of fault controls the periodic vertical migration of petroleum along the fault. 断层活动周期性控制油气垂向周期性运移;
As wavelet module maxima occur at peaks of signal, the pretreatment removes power frequency periodic components from electric signal and thus avoids misjudgments of fault. 通过预处理滤除工频周期分量,消除了小波变换在信号峰值处的模极大值,从而避免了对故障的误判。
The periodic variation of fault product gas in earthquake prediction study area of West Yunnan 滇西实验场地区断层气体的周期性变化
The results indicate that roof rock mass in fault zone and its influential range is broken and with poor stability by activation of fault after coal mining, so the distance of periodic weighting decreases and the caving zone increases, particularly in the footwall of fault. 结果表明,在采动影响下断层活化,断层带及其影响范围内的岩体破碎,表现为周期断裂步距小,冒落带高,尤其是断层下盘,顶板稳定性差;
For the periodic real-time task sets on uniprocessor systems, FT/ FA ( fault-tolerance/ frequency assurance) scheduling of imprecise computation was proposed. 针对单处理器系统的周期性实时任务集,基于非精确计算,提出FT/FA(FaultTolerance/FrequencyAssurance)调度方法。
Use the daughter wavelet which is corresponding to max Kurtosis to process a periodic impulses signal immersed in noise in order to identify symptom of crack fault. 将其应用于处理染噪的周期性脉冲信号,以识别裂纹故障发展的初期征兆。
But there is periodic pulsation when the system under fault state, as a result, the current direct control strategy can only applied to the situation that torque ripple is not sensitive, especially high speed and large inertia situation. 电流直接控制的容错系统具备简单可靠的优点,但系统在故障态存在一定的周期脉动转矩,因此适合用于电机负载对转矩脉动不敏感的一般场合,特别是高速大惯量场合。
By analyzing the rolling bearing fault characteristic frequency and the acoustic emission signal parameters of the relationship between the establishments of impact based on the periodic acoustic emission counts of rolling bearing fault diagnosis. 通过分析滚动轴承故障特征频率与声发射信号参量间的关系,建立基于周期性声发射撞击计数的滚动轴承故障诊断方法。